Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Transportation Center
Project Overview
Thaddeus Stevens wanted to expand its Lancaster programs. Having leased space at Greenfield Business Campus for welding, mason construction, and software programs, the college leased a new 86,191 SF building at Ben Franklin Boulevard to house its Transportation Technology Center, and serve up to 300 students.
Project Details
Size: 86,191 SF Building with 14,000 SF Mezzanine
Location: Lancaster, PA
Services/Scope Provided: Architectural Design
Project consists of a new one-story 86,191 SF building with a 14,000 SF open mezzanine for Thaddeus Stevens College of Transportation Technology program. Interior fitout consists of three distinct departments: Auto Collision Technology, Technology, Automotive Technology, and Diesel Technology.
Each department has its own mezzanine for storage. A shared core area includes six classrooms, men’s and women’s restrooms, janitor’s closet, IT data closet, an entry student lounge common area with vending and security office. With the new campus, existing programs will more than double in size and a Diesel program will be introduced.
Challenges / Innovative Roles: Automotive Technology contains thirty-nine in-ground lifts and air lines and electric wiring needed to be coordinated in-ground as well. Auto Collision paint spray booths and prep deck layout and vehicular circulation required thorough coordination.
If you would like more information on Thaddeus Stevens and its programs, please visit their website.